The 'Green' Agents Connection

The ‘Green’ Agents Connection

Alexandros Trachanas, Chief Operating Officer of Harbor Lab, shares his thoughts on the importance of connecting vessel operators with port agents offering sustainable portside solutions. Agents perform essential duties in ports and terminals around the world, facilitating fleets’ needs and performing a myriad of operations. With the ever-growing scrutiny on decarbonisation at sea and in ports themselves, ‘green’ agents are becoming key stakeholders in portside emissions reduction solutions.


With the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) decarbonisation goal of achieving net-zero by or around 2050, the main focus has been on shipping’s more visible onboard emission reduction methods, including the adoption of alternative fuels. However, the maritime sector must also look to land to bolster its decarbonisation credentials. The European Union’s Green Deal also sets an ambitious goal of a 90 per cent emissions reduction in EU port cities by 2050. Port-side operations must look to become more sustainable by employing more modern and efficient ways of working, from utilising new loading/unloading methods to reducing the release of pollutants from a vessel while berthed. This is where the ‘green agent’ comes into focus. These are forward-thinking agents who are differentiating themselves in the market by offering sustainable solutions, enabling Principals to bolster sustainability strategies as their vessels remain docked. For this to be meaningful, however, green agents must be able to seamlessly connect with operators looking for eco-friendly partners.


Decarbonising portside operations can have a notable impact on the maritime sector’s sustainability strategies, and a positive effect on local port cities that are vital in day-to-day supply chains. While different solutions offer varying decarbonisation potential, and have separate practical and financial considerations, ports and agents are already implementing greener services. For example, ports are investing in new tugboats capable of running on cleaner fuels and have hybrid propulsion, as well as electrically powered cranes. Agents themselves are supporting the green transition in different ways – many are monitoring their own carbon footprint with increasing transparency. An important role agents can perform is partnering with and promoting local green vendors, that can offer electric or low-emission launch boats and shore transportation (taxis/vans), carbon neutral stayovers, and delivery using drones to name a few functions. However, it is inevitable that some of these solutions may have financial implications for Principals that choose to use them. Many of the new technologies are, by their very nature, in need of substantial investment and Principals must be prepared to help front that cost. On the other hand, Principals would be able to market the result of their green practices to their own clients and potentially pass part or the whole cost to the next part of the value chain. Furthermore, some ports, recognising the importance and the impact green solutions can bring to the local community and ecosystem, subsidise the use of greener practices which can help offset any increased costs.


For agents, offering green services can be a beneficial way of differentiating themselves in a very competitive market. At the same time, vessel operators are looking for more environmentally friendly practices, and shining a light on agents who adopt such practices. Showcasing their green credentials alongside their operational prowess, will make them more accessible and relevant to the wider marketplace.

At Harbor Lab, we have made great steps to adapt our online marketplace, bringing together Principals globally with suitable and recommended agents and vendors, to meet their changing demands as they seek new partners. We continue to ensure we respond to our clients’ feedback, when they are seeking more data on the green credentials of their agents to make more informed decisions. Highlighting the incredible work on offer by green agents is an important step in the platform’s future evolution. Showcasing agents and vendors that offer greener services, is another step in boosting trust and enhancing transparency within the maritime ecosystem. This is part of Harbor Lab’s wider effort to democratise the agents’ market, enabling agents and vendors of all sizes to compete on a level playing field.

There remains a significant amount of untapped potential in supporting green agents in ports throughout the world. They are a vital cog in our global supply chain, playing an important role in
helping shipping’s decarbonisation targets become a reality. An important steppingstone in this process is to help Principals digitally connect with green agents, enabling them to make the critical
choices they need as they look to navigate this delicate decarbonisation and financial balancing act.

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