HarborLab answers the call of the bell in NYSE

HarborLab answers the call of the bell in NYSE

An invitation to the NYSE led to an online interview for HarborLab along with a front-row position for the opening bell.

It is a long-held aspiration of our CEO and founder, Antonis Malaxianakis, to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for Harbor Lab.

He got a taste of what it would feel like when he had the interview with Judy Khan Shaw, talk show host for NYSE Floor Talk online channel.

The duo discussed about maritime’s digital shift, the value technology brings to the maritime ecosystem, including the return on investment and the transparency a software, such as Harbor Lab’s, can offer to shipping businesses. Antonis also hinted that using AI forms part of Harbor Lab’s growth plans to bring further efficiencies and savings to our customers.

Our CFO, Alexandros Papageorgiou, also joined Antonis to a front-row position to experience this proud moment and a behind-the-scenes tour of the NYSE.

It was a great day for our company, and we look forward to exploring opportunities with the NYSE in the future.

Watch the full interview with Floor Talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgcXsz4E12o

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