Full Transparency & insight into port expense allocation

Full Transparency & insight into port expense allocation

In view of the ongoing “Technological Revolution”, organizations across industries are investing in new technologies to optimize their business operations and improve results. The shipping world has always been receptive to change, and shipowners are aware of the benefits of technology, even if some have been slow to embrace new ways of working. In the next decade, several changes will be observed across the Shipping Industry. The development of eco-friendly technologies, eco-friendly fuels, applicable to “smart” vessels, in combination with the enhancement of digitization, will not only empower, but also increase productivity, while the operational expenses will be reduced.


Transform now to operate better in the future…

Established in 2020, HarborLab has provided solutions that transform the shipping industry, with a single mission: Reshape the way port operations and disbursement process works. The industry is seeing a shift towards innovation, and HarborLab is leading the charge by providing instant port cost estimations among other tools. With the Port Estimator, you can have instant port cost estimations for approximately 1000 ports easily, and accurately within seconds for all vessel segments, types and sizes.

The evaluation of the whole DA or just some specific port expenses (such as towage cost) among different ports is only a click away, avoiding the time-consuming procedure by sending multiple emails to the agents that usually are in different time zones.

Do you need an instant port cost estimation …?

With just the vessel’s name, the port of your interest and the activity’s details you may get an estimation of the port expenses immediately, based on the data configured by our Port Analysis’ Team.

“Finally, an end to unnecessary mail exchanges and the awaiting of Agents’ replies!”

How do we achieve that?

With the extraordinary relationships we have built with agents and port authorities worldwide but also within our dedicated team of Port Analysts.

A combination of data scientists and experienced maritime professionals, investigate and construct sophisticated formulas that calculate all port expenses for all ports around the world based on the official port tariffs for all vessels’ types.

Through seminars, training, and hands-on experience, we have set a common goal: To automate and digitize the port cost calculations of DAs in the challenging but fascinating world of shipping.

How important are the port expenses on your TCE calculation? 

Port expenses hold great importance for a shipping company. In the first place, they affect to the maximum extent the short-term liquidity of the shipping company in many sectors. In other cases, an amount must be disbursed immediately for the ship and so a disbursement account must be clearly written in the charter agreement as an element. Proper financial fluidity management can be a powerful competitive advantage for a shipping company, therefore, our Port Cost Estimator will for sure add value to your company.

Our Port Analyst Supervisor, Nick Loumos, explains how challenging it is to evolve the project of Cost Estimator:

“…We are striving to provide the most accurate result based on our expertise and knowledge accumulated for the port of your interest. It’s not something easy or quick to be done, but it is our dedication that guides us and pushes us to the best result. The hardest part of this tool is to analyze every aspect of all possible scenarios for our clients and to collect such data from the dedicated parties.”

It is clear that we must put our faith in digital technology to regenerate the shipping world. Our next challenge is to be the “go-to” company for all matters related to ports. This is our vision, with a mission to operate in a manner that contributes to our customer’s commitment to commercial excellence. By Reshaping Ports Side by Side, we may introduce the Shipping Industry to Transparency, Loyalty and Trust.

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